Thought Leadership Campaigns
Thought Leadership Campaigns reposition your organization in the market and connects strategy to sales results.
Campaign Framework and Core Content
Campaign Frameworks design and deliver an overarching architecture that will connect and align your thought leadership and derivative content.
Does this sound like your organization?
You’re perceived as a dinosaur by customers and policy influencers. Competitors are acquiring new customers more quickly.
You’d like to solve this problem
You need a framework of unique ideas that also relate to business objectives and create novel and positive impressions about your company.
Together, with your team…
I will craft the valuable intersection between your business and policy development, which will lead to better business results and a higher profile for the company.
Campaign Execution
Campaign Execution orchestrates activities across multiple organizational functions, including strategy, marketing, public relations, and sales in order to produce intended results.
Does this sound familiar?
Your public profile isn’t what it could be. Your PR, governmental affairs, and marketing teams perform their roles rather independently missing opportunities.
You are looking for a solution
You need an approach that knits together internal business processes, leverages existing company functions, and uses the unique ideas to promote innovation within the company.
Together, with your team…
I will enable the external affairs functions of the company to perform at higher levels, using resources more efficiently, and support sales teams with the new content.
If you are looking to move your business or strategic initiative to center stage, Julie is excellent at conceiving, building out, and executing a thought leadership campaign, which will engage and collaborate with those who are most important to your success!
- M. Brian Helmey, President at MB Helmey Consulting, LLC and former Vice President at IBM Global Business Services